Truth Speaking Softly

The soft curve of the day meets me and invites discovery Gently I awaken to wonderment with eyes clouded over by too much pain or too much looking for pain It is so familiar, this search for intensity, this search for words to somehow express
The all of what I seethe all of what I sensethe all of whatis knownby me, by you
If we are somehowstill, quiet enough,the truth approachescautiously and asksAre you ready for me?Are you now readyto see the lifeYou are called to?Are you truly readyfor this day?
I am knowing thistime is nearI am sensingI have run out of excusesfor dawdlingaround the truthas it advances,gently this time,for the fire has doneher workIn soft approach,I am undefended
I lean into truthand hope it holds meI lean into lifeand knowmy structures are leaning too,threatening collapse
Crumble, I say,you obstruct the viewand there is rising possible
The rumbleis an earthquakemeasuring offRichter scales,I am shatteredand freed in a singlesweeping strokeclean,clear,decisivered on blackSlayed by wordsof my own originCommon pool as sourceResting in the vastness,I am heldin emptinessa deep intake of air,my fate is sealedNot entombedNot enclosedbut the space of no-choiceleaves me shakingin the silenceof this wildness
Words pour outfrom cooler watersfrom peaceful shoresnext to whichI have sat -still, I languish thereknowing the fireand calm watersare doingwhat they doCalled by a silent voiceloudly heardacross vast canyonsHere, I am sitting hereI am sitting hereI am sitting here
The coyote,nose twitching,sniffs theemergent breeze.
© Joanne Hunt
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