Master Certification Module (MCM)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What value added components does the MCM module offer beyond PCM?

A: We like to think of the ACM module as the “getting your feet wet in the pool of coaching” module. The PCM module is like learning how to swim in particular waters and learning different strokes. The MCM module is the deep dive. It’s learning to scuba dive in the open ocean with all kinds of depth, agility, creativity, and play. Below, we outline more fully what’s covered. But it’s called the Master module because we have a sense that most human beings have a calling towards being Masterful at their craft. In the realm of coaching, Mastery means not only mastering your coaching skills and nuance, but working with developing Mastery around your own way of being in ongoing development… for the rest of your life. While contributing to the world through your own Mastery, Mastery also asks a lot of who you are and it promises great developmental riches and wonders that aren’t predictable from where you stand now. And yet, we will attempt to give you a taste of what’s ahead.

Q: After graduating from PCM, I wonder if I should take some time to let things solidify before moving on to MCM. Is this ‘solidifying’ needed?

A: This is often a misconception. If you think back to when you finished ACM, if you had just let things solidify back then, you wouldn’t have known there were more pieces that were needed to be in place before letting things get too solid. Similarly, right now, “you don't know what you don’t know” in terms of pieces that will actually get more solid by going straight into MCM. Step by step, our design of the whole of the Integral Coaching® Certification Program (ICCP), is a natural, developmental progression where all three modules taken consecutively, guide you forward to ever increasing Mastery. It is only at the end of ICCP that things become solid, intact, and fully embodied. So, no, you do not need to wait for something to solidify before taking the next step in your development.

Q: Is it better to keep coaching and save up money for MCM or invest in MCM so that I can command more money as an Integral Master Coach™?

A: One of the key elements of the MCM is a project that develops your business or idea for the company you work for or a project to change some aspect of your personal life. In these applied projects you will be developing a more commanding voice, presence, and capability set. For those working as professional coaches, it will definitely build your entrepreneurial chops and will position you to take your vocation to another level. So, you will definitely be positioned to command more remuneration in the marketplace after MCM.

As one of our recent graduates said, “I was a very keen ICC student and I applied myself deeply, taking advantage of every learning opportunity. I don’t have a website nor a business card and I am currently working with 12 clients, 5 of whom are inside a large company in the city where I live. The contract with that one corporate client paid me back for my entire tuition for ICC. So the ROI for my Integral Master Coach™ training has been a good one. Of course, there is no guarantee, but that was my experience.”

Q: PCM was a ton of work! Is MCM even harder and even more work?

A: In MCM, we guide you back to why you signed up for coach training in the first place. What you wanted to develop and manifest. And, we guide you to your future as well. Your dreams and longings for what you want to do with your coach training, personally or professionally, as an entrepreneur, as a visionary or activist, or as someone working inside an organization. The format of MCM is more spacious, where there is room for play, for dynamic learning and support, for sharing and experimenting, for expressing your own unique voice and forms of service you want to bring out into the world, and for development where you really want to focus. All on behalf of you finding the art, your art, in this work with a cadre of qualified practitioners who want to attain a deeper ease, a relaxed wisdom, and a deep sense of ownership of your unique voice and offerings in the world.

How we hold it is that you have done the hard work in ACM and PCM and now it is time for Mastery… and Mastery includes the art and the mystery…expression and embodiment. So, it is less work than PCM in many ways, but there is more of a call for “work” with your own development, your creativity, voice and a renewed connection to what brought you to this work in the first place!

Q: Sounds great. So, what does that look like in terms of course design?

A: Hmm…as you know, what we can say in words is only a small version of what occurs in each class, but here goes:

  • Shorter coaching programs: You will have shorter coaching programs with two clients. Each will have only 5 CODs along with a good staggering of start times. At the MCM level, things should start happening for the client sooner, and this gives you a chance to really ‘go for it’ with your clients right from the start!
  • Templates for the years ahead: You will use a very streamlined template for your coaching work that is a format that you can use for years to come. In MCM you will use templates that will be source documents for your work ahead as a Graduate of ICCP versus the forms you have used to become a coach within ICCP.
  • Mentoring: You will be part of a Study Group of 3 that will have the support of a Mentor, who is a graduate of ICCP and wants to contribute to the next generation of Integral Master Coaches™
  • Project: You will have the opportunity to take some initial steps in the form of a project of your choosing, at a scale that works for you. A project where you have the opportunity to take some action steps that put your desires, dreams and unique voice out into the world in a realm that really matters to you. You will learn how to use the principles of our Method as a way to plan for and take constructive action steps in your project. And you will receive dynamic support from your teacher, study group and study group mentor all along the way, so that you aren’t alone as you take these initial steps and so that you can be a support to your colleagues as well.
  • Subtle Aspects of Method: You will be given access to some of the more subtle aspects of this work like how to work with the shadow while staying within the method, how to move more threads of a client’s AQAL Constellation™ into the design of practices, how to feel and articulate the deeper layers of a client’s way of seeing that takes your coaching work to a whole other level, what’s needed in the final phase of a coaching program so that the client truly does include and transcend into their NW, how to have more powerful Coaching Conversations through receiving immediate, live feedback as well as video recordings of your coaching and faculty input from class, and of course much more.
  • Depth and Support of Your Personal Development: In keeping with this Module possessing greater depth, subtlety and profundity, the coaching support of your personal development from ICC faculty will be more substantial than ACM or PCM. This is the Module where your coaching topic is the one that touches your deepest aches and deepest longings, the coaching topic that will substantially change your life, and thereby your capacities as an Integral Master Coach™. There will be a greater emphasis on taking the “deep dive” into your personal development during powerful calls with your Phone Coach, including a more robust personal coaching program than in the PCM. Additionally, one of the roles of the Study Group Mentor is to contribute to you dynamically waking up to your CWOB and growing into your NWOB. Through this, you will not only experience profound shifts in your world, you will also experience the modeling of this coaching method by very highly skilled Integral Master Coaches™. You will also learn the sixth lens - Gender Lens - for your final set of six integral lenses composing a person’s AQAL Constellation™. Your understanding of the six lenses and how they relate to each other will be greatly enhanced.
  • And (of course) You Will Continue to Experience: Rich and amazing Classroom Sessions, with teachers that can meet and inspire you wherever you are. Calls with your Phone Coach (some one-on-one and some with your Study Group) that are fun, kick ass, and advance your development personally and professionally. Class Videoconference Calls that will be even more dynamic, and where you will be the ones shaping the agenda for each call to best meet your needs. Streamlined course materials that are built to support you at the level appropriate for an Integral Professional Coach™ aspiring to reach the Master level; materials you can use for years to come. A Reference Binder that will be a compilation of key material from ACM and PCM as well as MCM so that you have one set of resources for your years ahead, your forever Reference Binder.
  • Closing Classroom Session & Final Certification: To complete the MCM, marking the final step of your coaching journey through ICCP, you will participate in a final certification process that registers your level of embodiment and ‘advances your game’ beyond your wildest dreams. You will participate in the final advanced learning as a closing component to ICCP. You will also receive a compilation of the coaching and project work of all of your colleagues so that you walk away with an incredible set of resources that you can draw upon in the years to come.

Q: What does it mean to complete MCM? What do I get at the end that is more than PCM?

A: Here are some things that you get:

  • ICF Training Hours: Completing MCM means that you have successfully completed all three modules of the Integral Coaching® Certification Program (ICCP). This is the full program accredited by the International Coaching Federation. Our ICCP training surpasses the requirements for Masters Level training hours with the ICF and will be all the training you need for ACC, PCC or MCC accreditation with the International Coaching Federation.
  • IC Consortium Membership: As an ICCP graduate, you become a member of the IC Consortium, which is the global community of ICCP graduates who have their own private Facebook page, where there are all sorts of local communities of coaches connecting with each other in ways that are meaningful to them, and where there is a vast network that transcends geography and graduates find each other on behalf of common interests and initiatives. This community consists of over 350 graduates who are located all over the globe. The common ground is that every member of the Consortium has completed the full ICCP. So, upon completion of the final module of ICCP, you can join the Consortium, post your bio on the ICC web site and start connecting privately to the network of coaches globally. Historically, many graduates have pointed to the Consortium as one of the single biggest benefits they’ve gained from the whole process of completing the ICCP.
  • Mastery Workshops: Upon completion of ICCP’s final module, you can now attend Mastery Workshops. These workshops are on subjects that build upon what is gained in MCM and therefore, the pre-requisite to this course is successful completion of ICCP (Modules 1, 2 and 3). These workshops are rich in content as well as in connecting with fellow ICCP graduates from all over the world. Examples of past workshops include subjects like, Embodying Martial Arts Principles in Integral Coaching®, Working with Dynamic Shadow, Scaling this work for Group Coaching, etc.
  • Integral Master Coach™: As a graduate of ICCP, you receive the highest designation offered by Integral Coaching Canada, Integral Master Coach™, which does distinguish you professionally. Per the ICF item above, you will have completed 202 Coach Training hours, which means that you have exceeded the number of coach training hours for ICF accreditation at the Masters level.

Q: What other subtleties will I gain in the MCM?

A: The vehicle through which everything you learn flows is the “include and transcend” development model. In our vernacular, that is the Current Way (CW) and New Way (NW) developmental process. All the lenses you learn, all the ways of being you development, all the practices you design, and all the perspectives you learn to take flow through this developmental vehicle: our CW/NW include and transcend coaching method. One of the more challenging aspects of embodying the method is developing more and more mastery in accessing and using the subtleties and power associated with aspects of Seeing, Going and Checking. In the MCM, you will be dropping into more of the masterful elements of the dance of the Seeing, Going and Checking elements. As you know, the see, go, check part of our coaching work has many levels of complexity. You have been introduced to some ways of working with these elements, but we’re sure you would agree that there is more you could understand and develop! These areas will be more deeply illuminated for you (and through you, in practice) during the Master Certification Module.

When is the right time for me to take MCM?

A: Only you really know for sure. What we would say is that you do not need to keep practicing coaching so that you feel you can enter this Module at the Master level, because this is a course that enables you to develop the capabilities to reach a level of mastery. Check inside yourself to see if you feel a call to this next level of capability, learning, camaraderie, and proactive contribution in the world. We’re never ready for what’s next! That’s why it’s next! We’ve also seen students plan and prepare and plan and prepare for the absolute best time to take the next Module, and then life happens the week before class starts…you break your wrist, your company lays you off, you fall in love, you fall out of love. And all the while, the next Module holds you. So, right timing is a personal decision in your guts, and preparing can be highly overdone!! Remember the modules are designed sequentially, so you can jump in right now. Our company is deeply committed to waking up and growing up and not wasting precious moments of life. While we don’t advocate for a “deferred life plan” and would be thrilled to have you on board, do what you see right for yourself as you listen to the whispers of what’s calling you in your “one wild and precious life,” to quote Mary Oliver.

Q: I am already actively coaching clients as an Integral Professional Coach™. What would I gain by taking MCM?

A: If you cast back to the depth of your coaching work when you completed ACM, and then register how your coaching work advanced after completing PCM, the same thing is going to happen again once you complete MCM. Mastery advancements will have a direct impact on your clients and the kinds of clients that you will attract. Some of the specific advancements are:

  • You will experience aspects of your client’s AQAL Constellation, including ways of seeing, going and checking the minute you meet them such that the client feels profoundly met immediately.
  • Your coaching conversations will get to the heart of what is needed more quickly, with greater ease and power, which means that the client is going to make the shifts that they are longing for more quickly and more directly.
  • You will have expanded your capacities to calibrate to more types of people and know how to work with a much greater range of topics, which expands your potential client pool.
  • You will more deeply experience this method directly in your own development and the development of your colleagues, which then enriches your knowing of what is possible. From this, your ways of speaking about Integral Coaching® to your clients will grow exponentially.
  • Your voice, your unique offer, your unique expression of service to others will get stronger, clearer and more potent such that potential clients will hear and feel you as an Integral Master Coach™ more substantially and distinctly than before.

Q: When are the November MCM two in-class session dates?

A: Session 1:     May 2 - 6, 2022
  Practicum:   7 months ending November 2022
  Session 2:   November 15 - 18, 2022

Q: I would like to register for the MCM program in the Spring. How do I register?

A: When you are ready you can register online through our website using the following link:
A written submission is required as part of the registration process for the ICCP-3 MCM.

Q: Similar to ACM and PCM, do you offer an extended payment plan?

A: We do offer three payment plans for those of you who need it. The payment plans are available online when you register.

Q: What is the deadline to complete my application for ICC's Master Certification Module?

A: Our registration deadline for MCM (ICCP-3) is Thursday April 28th provided the class doesn’t fill before this date. Registering before this date will ensure that you can get a seat in this class and will allow you optimal time to fully engage in and benefit from the pre-course exercises which will be emailed to students six weeks prior to course commencement.

Q: Is there anything else I should know about MCM?

A: While you won’t see this quoted directly on our webpage, our tagline for ICC has been, “Alleviating suffering one human at a time…” We would now add the words, “…in every way we and you know how.” Coaching is not just a market, a cool career, or an emerging booming field. It’s a chance to serve, to be of impact, and to make a difference in ways that we all dream and often feel stuck as to how to step forward. Our life’s work (and we might suggest yours too) is to increasingly offer and find ways to powerfully impact lives, systems, and communities in ways that deeply matter and make real sustainable change in humans and their surrounding world; and we want to do so in a way that relieves suffering in you and others on behalf of making this a more sane, vibrant, and resilient world. If something in this approach and path calls in your heart as you read this, we want you with us. Not for our betterment, but for yours and the people you can effect. That’s what is calling us in our world and why we do this. And we need you for that. So don’t tiptoe lightly around the topic of becoming more masterful through the Master Certification Module. If this module calls to you, we invite you to come walk with us.


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